Friday, February 11, 2011

Our Pal Pete: MLK Weekend

Our Pal Pete: MLK Weekend: "Hi everyone! Peter is settled into Laurel Ridge and we both like it. His room is spacious, the nurses and aides are nice, he is practicing h..."

Alors, si tu veux pratiquer le français, j'y suis! C'est embêtant de ne pas pouvoir communiquer directement, mais espérons que Tracy puisse servir d'interloquteur. Bises à Tracy et un bon embrassement provençale pour Pierre. J'en ai presque assez avec cette neige.

Our Pal Pete: And more kindness

Our Pal Pete: And more kindness: "I was drifting off last night and realized I did not send out a special acknowledgment to Scott and Deb who visited last weekend. Scott got ..."

Can Scott head down here next? I think we got more snow here on the coast than you did in those windswept hills. Lots of time to make progress on the kayak, though, Summer vacation may be shorter because of the snow days. We're planning a Maine cruise again for August - something else to look forward to. Stay warm!